For eight years, John Salko fished the "Bay Of Fundy" off West Quoddy Head. Lubec, Maine - 28 foot tides.

A few old photos "1976"

John Salko, 27 years old, heading out....
Once as a fisherman, a fish whisphered to me, "Set me free and I will give you the vision of my world." The fish was beautiful and its scales glittered and I hungered - indeed a trophy to others. As I thought, watching this fish starting to gasp with its life wilting in my hand, I set it free. And instantly, the fish appeared in my mind and I was deep in the ocean swimming and remembering my encounter with the hand who released me. John R. Salko

Humpback whale -- one of four varieties of whales Salko encountered while fishing off West Quoddy Head . "Bay Of Fundy"
Salko pulling in the Gil Net, for bait.

A MAP of Salko's old fishing grounds. West Quoddy Head - The Bay Of Fundy.